Studio Tour (7)

The jars in the basket are "Genesis" Non-Toxic Oil Paints. Sometimes I use these when the ventilation in my studio is poor (as in the cold winter months).

Genesis has a high quality, extremely safe, line of beautiful oil colors. You cannot, however, mix these paints with traditional oil paint. Genesis paints are heat-set and can clean up with soap and water.

These paints are what I recommend for people who have allergies that prevent them from using traditional oils. I also believe that they are safe for pregnant women and young children.

I often use Genesis and swear that you cannot tell which paintings are done with Genesis or Traditional Oil Paint. The only drawback to Genesis is that glazes do not handle as well for me.

I use what is called "an Earth Palette" and it contains similar colors to those that the Old Masters used. In addition to black and white, my colors include both a warm and a cool version of red, yellow and blue.

I like to use as few colors in a painting that I can get away with and this is called "a limited palette."

Yet more canvas must be stored vertically so it doesn't get ruined.

Some of these fishing tackle boxes have drawing materials stored in them.

Others have watercolors and brushes.

These boxes are a handy way to carry small items.

I use these brushes for varnish.

The paints in this basket are tubes of watercolor. I often travel with this kind of paint because it isn't as messy to use as oil paint and is good for those quick color sketches that capture mood and the gesture of the moment.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I saw your blank canvases set up neatly and thought, "oh dear, I better go fix mine." I have mine all stacked haphazardly in one of those fold-out artist bins and I'd bet there are a few that need to have some dents worked out of them. Thank you for the wake up call, Karin. I think I better get off my tuff and organize my studio now.

Over at "RaisinToast"