Obama 'Hope' Portrait Enters The National Portrait Gallery

This unofficial portrait of Barack Obama by Shepard Fairey quickly became an icon.

The original work can now be seen in the National Portrait Gallery's new arrivals section.

A Reuters photographer named Jim Young snapped the original photo.

Fairey's use of the picture is well within the parameters of what’s considered "fair use." 

He transformed the image—flipping and re-orienting it, adding jacket, tie and the "O" Obama logo, and converting it to his block print style—make it consistent with all legal precedents for public use.

Exactly copying the recognizable work of another, especially without attribution, is a no-no...and the mark of an amateur. 

Now you can make your own "Obamicon" — your image & message in a style inspired by this iconic poster. 

Recognize Vermeer's "Girl in the Red Hat?"

Here's a view of Vermeer's hometown. Perhaps you have you noticed that Vermeer is my very favorite painter?

Waste some time, play around and enjoy this clever little cyber-gadget.

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