This Summer: Meteor Showers are Coming to a Sky Near You

And it promises to be a heckuva show!

Catching a meteor show on a big night can make your summer.

Over the next few weeks, three meteors showers will converge, with the best shows expected July 28-30 and August 12-13.

Since I live in the country, it will be easy for me to see the night sky.

I find the night sky endlessly fascinating. This photo was taken at the North Pole this year.

If you are in a place where you can see each star in the Little Dipper, your eyes will have "dark adapted," and your sky view is probably dark enough. Under these conditions, you will see plenty of "shooting stars."

Treat meteor watching like you would the 4th of July fireworks.

Pack comfy chairs, bug spray, food and drinks, blankets, plus a red-filtered flashlight for reading maps and charts without ruining your night vision. Binoculars are not necessary. Your eyes will do just fine.

If the weather cooperates, you're sure to enjoy a spectacular show just like the ones that entertained all the great (and not so great) artists that lived before us....

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