The Golden Rectangle

There exists in nature and mathematics a unique number known as Phi, 1.618, which yields both beauty and efficiency in design. 

Known as the Golden Ratio and the Divine Proportion, The Greeks used it in designing the Parthenon. 

Euclid wrote of it and Da Vinci painted “The Last Supper” with it.

We can use it too - to analyze and better appreciate what already exists or to create and design your own masterpieces in the same proportions that give nature its beauty, harmony and balance.

The applications are limited only by your creativity

Because the ratio of 1:1.618 is very appealing to the eye, it works in design, and is also found everywhere in nature.

This is a Golden Rectangle

You can even find the ratio on the human body: your wrist to the second knuckle on your finger to the finger tip shares that ratio Also, your finger tip to your wrist to your elbow shares that ratio.

It’s everywhere and is a very interesting number theory.

Here’s how I construct a Golden Rectangle:

Start with a square. I like to use graph paper.

Find the middle and bisect it vertically.

Draw a diagonal line from the mid-point of your square and extend your baseline (roughly the length of your diagonal line).

Using a compass, place the point on a and the pencil on b. Swing an arc and where the arc meets the baseline will determine the length of the rectangle.

Square it up and you have a Golden Rectangle.

Here’s a mathematical shortcut - no ruler required:

If you have determined the length of one side, you can either multiply or divide by 1.618 to determine the other side.

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