If You Need a Precise Chalk Line

I often use non-traditional - oddball - art supplies in the studio.

I found this is a handy little item in a fabric store. It makes a very thin chalk line. The set comes with an assortment of chalks (white plus colors). A mechanical cartridge holder and sharpener are provided.

I often draw on my (matte finish) reference photos to change, add or emphasize a shape.

Sometimes, when my canvas is dry, I'll draw directly on the surface as a painting guide for the next layer (i.e.,  determining stripes or check patterns on cloth).

I usually use a soft pastel for this, but sometimes I prefer a fine point for making a precise line.

Shown above is the Dritz Chalk Cartridge Set (for quilters). But there are other brands available.

Excess chalk can be removed with a wet cloth, a kneeded rubber eraser or you can simply let it "melt" into the paint.

I have also used a standard chalk pencil, but it is a harder chalk and can scratch.

And while you're in a fabric store, consider getting a tape measure. Mine hangs near my easel and I use it more often than a ruler or yardstick.


Anonymous said...

Talking about odd ball tools. On Friday my client, came to the studio to view the painting I am doing of his kids. as he approached the easel he looked at my tools and asked: "are these dentist tools?"

Sheepishly I nodded and had to admit that yes, they are great for applying hair fine lines or creating special effects.

I will head to the fabric store and pick up these chalks. What a nifty idea!

My Painting Studio said...

My Dentist has given me some old tools too - I can't think what I'd do without them.

They are useful for everything from scraping dried paint, poking holes in paint tubes and pushing paint around on a canvas.

I also have a set of (now dull) acupuncture needles - useful for flicking brush hairs out of wet paint, dragging and pushing paint around on a canvas and getting the glint in a gnat's eye...or the vein in a leaf.

Peggi Habets Studio said...

Great idea for chalk lines. I also like the dentist tools to remove hairs. I could never do that without disturbing my paintings. Thanks all!