
On this date America will finally say goodbye to #43 and hello to #44.

"When small men begin to cast big shadows, it means that the sun is about to set." 
Lin Yutang

Arthur Miller liked to say that the essence of America was its promise. 

"At the end of the evening, the electoral vote count was 349 for Obama, 148 for McCain.
Or, as Fox News says....too close to call."
-David Letterman on election night

Seriously though, the final tally wasn’t even close. Democracy worked and America should be proud.


Peggi Habets Studio said...

Hear, Hear!!! A great time to be an American.

Just wanted to say that I enjoyed your tutorial on the the student critique. Very informative. Thanks.

My Painting Studio said...

Glad you liked the tutorial - it was nice to have a student work to use for this - the example was so clear.